i just got in to the Office and i just realized….
Seperti kebiasaan hari hari berkerja yang lain, the night before, aku pejamkan mata aku tepat jam 12.00am lepas habis series “Boston Legal” tapi pagi ni aku bangun agak awal juga la dalam jam 6.30am selalu nya aku akan bangun lagi 5 minit nak pukul 7am sebab aku masuk kerja pukul 8.00am..
Aku mandi…(check) aku gosok gigi (check) lepas tu aku put on deodorant (check) face moisturizers (check) body lotion (check) then aku pakai singlet (check) aku pakai shirt (check) sarung seluar (check) tali pinggang (check) pakai jam (check) pakai tie (check) blazer (check) lepas tu aku spray minyak wangi (pun check gak) sarung stocking (check) then aku pakai kasut (check) then as usual aku akan berdiri luar pintu bilik aku takut aku terlupa apa-apa..feel something is missing but for the first time I cannot detect what was it..
Tanpa membazirkan waktu lagi aku terus masuk bilik ambil beg galas aku terus gerak..
Halfway to the bus stop I feel so cold and something is hanging but still I didn’t realize yet..in the bus I can’t sit comfortably and still I don’t know why…?
When I reached in the office after eat the banana that I bought, men’s got to do what men’s always does…so I went to the toilet…when I took off my trouser …….
…….i just realized I didn’t wear underwear today!!!!!
Moral of the story always make sure “to wear an underwear” on the top of the list before anything!!!!
...nape ngan ah beng?
dia ok je, elok je chatting ngan aku. awat?
tak..dia tak update lagi now.
FB dia pun aku dah maki baru dia update tu pun cam hidup segan mati tak mau.
Tapi dia rajin online...chat la ngan dia.
Maybe next week aku date la ngan dia?
Nak pesan apa2?
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